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hubAdmin 1.0.0

  • Breaking changes: Support schema v3.0.0 specification of sample output type IDs which are now specified through a output_type_id_params object instead of output_type_id. The main breaking change is in create_output_type_sample() which now takes arguments incompatible with previous schema versions and returns an object with an output_type_id_params object instead of output_type_id. Additional but back-compatible dynamic validation checks on sample output types have been added to validate_config().

hubAdmin 0.2.0

  • Introduce validation check that ensures no all null task IDs exist in tasks.json.

hubAdmin 0.1.0

  • Allow task ID create_task_id() arguments required and optional to both be set to NULL, facilitating the encoding of NA task IDs in modeling tasks where no value is expected for a given task ID.

hubAdmin 0.0.1

  • Initial package release resulting from split of hubUtils package. See hubUtils for details including previous release notes.