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Validate the admin.json, tasks.json and model-metadata-schema.json Hub config files in a single call. Note that, for tasks.json and model-metadata-schema.json config files, validation is performed in two stages:

  1. Initial validation against the schema is performed using the jsonvalidate package which uses the "ajv" (Another JSON Schema Validator) validation engine. In the case of model-metadata-schema.json, jsonvalidate just checks that the file is valid JSON and can be parsed correctly.

  2. If the initial validation is successful, additional dynamic validations are performed. This means that only after the initial validation passes, will any dynamic validation errors be detected.


  hub_path = ".",
  schema_version = "from_config",
  branch = "main"



Path to a local hub directory.


Character string specifying the json schema version to be used for validation. The default value "from_config" will use the version specified in the schema_version property of the config file. "latest" will use the latest version available in the hubverse schemas repository. Alternatively, a specific version of a schema (e.g. "v0.0.1") can be specified.


The branch of the hubverse schemas repository from which to fetch schema. Defaults to "main".


Returns a list of the results of validation, one for each hub-config

file validated. A value of TRUE for a given file indicates that validation was successful. A value of FALSE for a given file indicates that validation errors were detected. Details of errors will be appended as a data.frame to an errors attribute. To access the errors table for a given element use attr(x, "errors")

where x is the any element of the output of the function that is FALSE. You can print a more concise and easier to view version of an errors table with view_config_val_errors().

See also


Other functions supporting config file validation: validate_config(), view_config_val_errors()


  hub_path = system.file(
    package = "hubUtils"
#>  Hub correctly configured! 
#> admin.json, tasks.json and model-metadata-schema.json all valid.
#> $tasks
#> [1] TRUE
#> attr(,"config_path")
#> /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/hubUtils/testhubs/simple/hub-config/tasks.json
#> attr(,"schema_version")
#> [1] "v2.0.0"
#> attr(,"schema_url")
#> $admin
#> [1] TRUE
#> attr(,"config_path")
#> /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/hubUtils/testhubs/simple/hub-config/admin.json
#> attr(,"schema_version")
#> [1] "v2.0.0"
#> attr(,"schema_url")
#> $`model-metadata-schema`
#> [1] TRUE
#> attr(,"config_path")
#> /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/hubUtils/testhubs/simple/hub-config/model-metadata-schema.json
#> attr(,"config_dir")
#> /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/hubUtils/testhubs/simple/hub-config
#> attr(,"schema_version")
#> [1] "v2.0.0"
#> attr(,"schema_url")
#> [1] ""